Mbowe stormed Kilimanjaro, hailed the police for good job

Mbowe stormed Kilimanjaro, hailed the police for good job

After eight months of incarceration, Mbowe has finally set foot in his home town Hai district, in the Kilimanjaro region, where he received a heroic reception.

Shortly after his arrival, Mbowe took the podium, spoke to his people, and thanked the armed police surrounding the area to ensure the security of the people. “This is Tanzania that we all want”,- Mbowe said.

Soon when Mbowe descended from the plane at Kilimanjaro International Aiport, the police were seen everywhere holding arms with leashes of dogs roaming around the exit and entrance and along the road where Mr Mbowe’s convoy had passed.

The swam of CHADEMA followers filled with enormous excitement, they were heard singing their party’s songs. Others pushed the car to the party’s office at Bomang’ombe, where Mbowe addressed the public.

“Imagine people came to receive me at KIA, none was bombed or injured, including insects. Thank you, police, and this is the Tanzania we want,” – Mbowe said,

Hai people gave Mbowe six cows and ten goats as gifts.