Mrema: “Don’t tell the citizens that Katiba Mpya is the solution to all their problems.”

Mrema: “Don’t tell the citizens that Katiba Mpya is the solution to all their problems.”

The veteran oppositional leader and long-serving chairperson for Tanzania Labor Party (TLP), Augustino Mrema, has said that the new constitution is not a solution to all people’s problems.

Mremba made those controversial remarks in Dodoma before the special committee appointed by President Samia Suluhu to collect opinions that will be used to sharpen and strengthen democracy in Tanzania.

“In the meantime, the best thing we could do for the people is to support President Samia’s development initiatives, ” Mremba said as he insisted citizens deserve better than being made to believe a new constitution would solve their problems.

To cement his argument, Mremba said there are countries to date that failed to resolve all their people’s problems t despite having obtained the new constitution.

“For instance, Kenya and USA have never been able to resolve their people’s problems despite having written another constitution. Despite USA’s constitution being referenced as a good constitution, the former President, Trump, in the 2020 elections that he stood for the presidency, claims it was rigged to date”, Mrema added.