Nape reinstate four newspaper licences

Nape reinstate four newspaper licences

Minister of Information, Communications and Information Technology, Nape Nnauye, reinstated publication licences for Mwanahalisi, Mawio, Tanzania Daima and Mseto newspapers today, February 10, 2022.

He told editors and journalists who attended the meeting that the decision was reached following President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s order.

The public should remember that President Samia Suluhu Hassan had a meeting with editors earlier last year and asked the ministry of communication to work on issues concerning banned newspapers and online TV channels and see which ones can have their licences reinstated.

“The President’s order is law and must be enforced. Today I will reinstate licences for four banned newspapers.

“I will reinstate a license to MwanaHalisi, I will reinstate a licence to Mawio, I will reinstate a licence to Mseto, and I will reinstate a license to Tanzania Daima,” said Minister Nnauye.

Minister Nape urged the newspapers to follow journalism ethics and media laws as they are starting a new chapter.

On behalf of the newspapers that got reinstated, Saed Kubenea, owner of Mwanahalisi Newspaper, thanked the government, adding that they will follow professionalism.

“We promise we will go to work professionally by following the principles of journalism, the laws of the country, our safety and looking after the interests of our country.”

The newspapers were banned in 2017 for breaching media ethics and laws.