Now you can leave WhatsApp groups without anyone knowing, How?

Now you can leave WhatsApp groups without anyone knowing, How?

WhatsApp is working on a new feature that will let you silently leave groups.

It’s often awkward when you abandon a group chat because everyone is notified.

So if you’re leaving a chat, there’s no hiding it.

Thankfully, WhatsApp is developing a silent-exit feature that could land this year.

The WhatsApp sleuths revealed a screenshot of the feature at WABetaInfo, who regularly mine the app for new features.

“This screenshot is very clear: when you want to exit a WhatsApp group, other people won’t be notified in the chat,” said WABetaInfo.

“Only group admins will be able to see who exits the group, but others don’t.”

Usually, a system message will be posted in the chat when you leave a group.

This lets everyone in the group know that you’ve left.

But with the new change, only the people running the group will notice.

Now in a small group, your departure may still be noted – at least eventually.

But in bigger groups, this can allow you to slip out quietly.

Sadly, there’s no exact date on when the feature will appear for everyone.

“This feature is under development on WhatsApp Desktop beta,” WABetaInfo explained.

“And it is planned to be rolled out to users in a future update.”

WhatsApp recently made another big change to groups.

Inviting a head-spinning 512 people to a single chat is now possible.

WhatsApp group sizes were initially capped at 100 people before changing to a limit of 256 in 2016.

But the latest update that’s rolling out doubles the group chat participant cap.

It comes before WhatsApp adds its long-awaited Communities feature.

This will let you create “parent groups” that contain many group chats within them.

If you want to try new features first, consider joining the WhatsApp beta using our guide below.

How to get WhatsApp beta

To download WhatsApp beta for your smartphone, you need to go to Google Play on your Android and search for WhatsApp.

Scroll down the page until you see “Become a Beta Tester”.

Tap the “I’m In” button and click “Join” to confirm.

Now all you have to do is wait for the update to the app’s beta version.