“The Parliament shall never expel 19 CHADEMA cadres until the court rules so”, says Tulia

“The Parliament shall never expel 19 CHADEMA cadres until the court rules so”, says Tulia

Tulia Akson, the speaker of the United Republic of Tanzania, has confirmed before the parliament that her office has received the CHADEMA’s executive committee’s letter denouncing its 19 cadres that were sacked during the CHADEMA general summit of May 11, 2022. 

Tulia Akson revealed that the 19 women CHADEMA cadres, on May 12, 2022, went to the court to file a case to challenge their expulsion by their party and retain their positions as legislators of the United Republic of Tanzania Parliament. 

Dr Tulia Akson, reading an official statement before the parliament today, said that the court is an independent government’s pillar and that the parliament has no jurisdiction to meddle in its affairs. Tulia noted that the parliament should only make a further statement regarding the 19 CHADEMA ex-cadres after the court’s ruling.