Oman & Tanzania agree to build an Airport in Kilimanjaro

Oman & Tanzania agree to build an Airport in Kilimanjaro

A week and a half ago, President Samia Suluhu Hassan of the United Republic of Tanzania undertook a three-day visit to Oman to strengthen centuries-old ties between the two countries.

So early than anticipated, the visit began to bear fruits following the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MoU) between Muscat’s Airports Authorities and Kilimanjaro Airports Development Company on June 13, 2022.

Tanzania is set to benefit from the long experience of Muscat’s Aiport Authority in running airport businesses. On the agreement, Muscat’s Aiport will build and operate a VIP Lounge, malls and a five-star hotel for passengers at the Kilimanjaro Aiport.

As per the agreement, the Muscat’s Aiport’s Authority will facilitate operations of the infrastructure built as per the agreement, ensuring effective and quality service delivery that will boost Tanzania’s government revenue.