Tanzania sets to vaccinate young girls and boys with the new HPV vaccine.

Tanzania sets to vaccinate young girls and boys with the new HPV vaccine.

Tanzania is set to inoculate young girls and boys with the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for girls and boys between nine and fourteen.

The program is a significant step toward reaching the WHO global strategy to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer. Among other targets outlined in the plan is tha by 2030, 90% of girls will be fully inoculated with the HPV vaccine by the age of 15 years. 

“The aim is to mitigate cervical cancer cases amongst girls and women in Tanzania,” revealed Mr John Changalucha, the Principal Investigator for the National Institute for Medical Research in Mwanza.

“For the beginning, vaccination will take place in 26 wards, whereas 13 wards will focus on seeing the infection level. Tanzania Medical Authority (TMDA) has already endorsed the program; thus, we expect to start working before the end of this month”. Added Mr Changalucha.