President Samia and VP Kamala Press in brief

President Samia and VP Kamala Press in brief

President Samia Suluhu left for the United States of America on April 13, 2022, for a 3-weeks state visit. Today, April 15, 2022, President Samia and her host, Vice President Kamala Harris, had a press at the White House in Washington DC. 

The following is the recap of their press.

Vice President Kamala Harris

VP Kamala Harris opened by welcoming President Samia to the United States and pledged on behalf of the US, the federal government, that the United States is fully committed to deepening its relations with Tanzania and African countries in general. 

VP Kamala also attested that President Samia’s visit to the US had generated nearly $1 billion in new investments that will create employment opportunities for the people of the United States and Tanzania.

Another issue was public health and global health, particularly COVID-19 and what the two countries expect to do together to address those needs or issues. VP Kamala also hinted that she and President Samia are looking forward to discussing women and children’s health in Tanzania. 

President Samia Suluhu 

President Samia, as usual, with a lower soft tone, opened by thanking her host for having her at the White House. Also, she took the chance to congratulate President Biden and Kamala Harris and their party for their resounding 2020 United States general elections.

President Samia presented that Tanzania would like to see its relationship with the US grow further after 60 years of magnificent diplomatic relations.

President Samia thanked the United States for its invaluable development assistance on different development projects in the last 60 years. 

President Samia commended US support to Tanzania in the fight against COVID-19, that Tanzania is one of the 11 beneficiaries of the global vax initiative established by President Biden, in which Tanzania has received nearly 5 million doses of vaccines. 

President Hassan has said that on human rights, the rule of law and democracy, Tanzania has taken significant strides to improve a democratic and friendly political environment for every stakeholder and safeguard national interests. 

On trade and investment, President Samia said Tanzania aspires to create an excellent environment to lure new investors, as Tanzania is currently collaborating with private sectors to enact Tanzania’s investment act that expects to set the tone of Tanzania as a safe landing for investment.

President Samia closed by telling VP Harris that her visit to the US is to launch the Royal Tour program. This program would showcase Tanzania’s economic potential for investment opportunities.