President Samia Suluhu’s New Year Speech: Nurturing the Mining Sector for Sustainable Growth and Local Empowerment

President Samia Suluhu’s New Year Speech: Nurturing the Mining Sector for Sustainable Growth and Local Empowerment

President Samia Suluhu’s emphasis on the mining sector in her New Year address underscores its strategic importance in Tanzania’s economic landscape.

The 6.43% increase in the value of produced minerals and the 5.8% surge in mineral exports to USD 3.15 billion reflect positive trends in the industry. This growth contributes to the nation’s revenue and positions Tanzania as a significant player in the global mineral market.

The government’s recognition of the substantial contribution of small-scale miners is evident in the purchase of five (5) extraction machines dedicated to them. This initiative aims to enhance efficiency and amplify their impact on the mining sector.

By supporting small-scale miners, the government acknowledges their role in the industry and seeks to empower them for more significant contributions.

The forward-looking stance of the government, particularly in building value-addition industries for minerals within the country, aligns with a broader economic strategy. This approach aims to increase the value of mineral products domestically, fostering economic growth and creating more employment opportunities.

The vision of industrialising the mining sector reflects a commitment to sustainable development, ensuring that the nation benefits comprehensively from its mineral wealth.

In summary, President Samia Suluhu’s address highlights the government’s dedication to optimising the mining sector’s potential. The initiatives to support small-scale miners and the focus on local value addition showcase a commitment to a more diversified, resilient, and self-sufficient economy for Tanzania.