SAMIA: “When the drastic climate change hits, it will choose no location”

SAMIA: “When the drastic climate change hits, it will choose no location”

President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan has urged world leaders to commit to ways to combat causes and effects of climate change.

While delivering a speech at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26) in Scotland, President Samia emphasized on the importance of working together to change the world as the effects of climate change can affect any country in the world.

“What we ought to remember is, when the drastic climate change hits, it will choose no location. Mighty or weak, poor or rich,” said President Samia.

President Samia reminded the congregation that the effects of climate change has also affected Tanzania and 30% of the nation’s GDP from agriculture, fishery and forestry is unsustainable.

“We in Tanzania have not been spared by these events. Sea level rise is eating an arable land, our pride, Mount Kilimanjaro is drastically becoming bald due to glaciers melting.” emphasized President Samia

She advised the developed countries to step-up in this urgent issue saying that if the developing countries can, so can they. Adding that if the world will not act accordingly, countries like Tanzania “will have no option but to brace for more devastating impacts.”