Students returned home from Ukraine to be enrolled in local Universities.

Students returned home from Ukraine to be enrolled in local Universities.

PM, Kassim Majaliwa, has directed students brought back home from Ukraine after the surge of war due to Russia’s invasion should visit the Tanzania Commission of Universities (TCU) for evaluation to be enrolled in other universities in Tanzania to proceed with their education.

Prime Minister made those remarks at the Parliament in Dodoma yesterday while responding to CCM MP Hon Saashisha Mafuwe, who asked the question regarding those students’ fate.

“There are those whose courses might not be available or not related to ours here in Tanzania. I recommend they have to go to TCU for advice on courses to pursue relating to ones they used to pursue abroad.” – PM added,

Majaliwa directed that all students should carry their valid credentials upon attending TCU for evaluation and enrollment in local universities to proceed with their studies.