Bagonza spits fire on sacked 19 CHADEMA women cadres

Bagonza spits fire on sacked 19 CHADEMA women cadres

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) Karagwe Diocese Bishop Benson Bagonza has said that CHADEMA’s decision to suck 19 members, including the former CHADEMA women’s wing (BAWACHA), has to be respected by National Electoral Committee, Political Parties Registrar and the parliament.

CHADEMA looks forward to sending an official letter to the speaker, Dr Tulia Akson, upon the unanimous decision of CHADEMA’s central committee.

“CHADEMA central committee’s decision has to be respected. I believe that the 19 women cadres had faith that the central committee shall do them justice; that’s why they filed their appeals to them. So they submitted their appeals, and the committee has taken its decision to sack them, the decision has to be respected” – Bagonza.

“There’s something to learn on this incidence. One big question remaining here is, where did these leaders find the guts to go to the parliament despite their parliament’s disapproval?”, Bagonza added.

Bagonza has lauded CHADEMA’s decision upon the 19 cadres, saying it showcases their maturity as it has done something hardly done by any other party in the country, including the ruling party, CCM.

The 19 women leaders include Halima Mdee, Hawa Mwaifunga, Grace Tendega, Jesca Kishoa, Naghenjwa Kaboyoka and Tunza Malapo.

Others are Cecilia Pareso, Sophia Mwakagenda, Anatropia Theonest, Salome Makamba, Stella Fiao, Agnesta Kaiza, Hawa Mwaifunga, Felista Njau, Kunti Majala, Asia Mohamed, Conchesta Rwamulaza, Ester Bulaya, Esther Matiko Nusrat Hanje.