Tanzania to construct roads from recycled mine waste

Tanzania to construct roads from recycled mine waste

The Tanzania National Roads Agency (Tanroads)agreed to implement a Tanzanian in the diaspora’s proposal to build durable tar roads using craps from mining sites and red soil as long as it delivers what was presented.

A few days ago, Joseph Katallah, a Tanzanian living in Canada, introduced the possibility of using aluminium and glass waste from mining sites and industries to construct roads.

Katallah, who works with Geopolymer Solutions LLC, an American based company, said they chose to start the project in Tanzania as these materials are easily accessible here.

“We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with Tanroads in the initial discussions, the response is overwhelming, and the discussions are ongoing. We believe this technology will help reduce costs and preserve the environment,” said Katallah.

Tanroads’ Acting Chief Executive Eng. Nkolate Ntije said there are procedures to be followed by the government to see if what Geopolymer has to offer is something that the government should consider. Once approved, the government will implement the project.

“Our country can use this technology and reduce costs in road construction because infrastructures in our country are much needed,” added Ntije.

West Wales, United Kingdom, did a pilot project in February this year, and 2.4 kilometres road was constructed using 100,000 disposable diapers to conserve the environment.