Tanzania to embark on the use of e-ticketing from July 1, 2022.

Tanzania to embark on the use of e-ticketing from July 1, 2022.

In the bid to improve transportation service and effective taxes collection, the government has ordered all the up-country buses to start using e-ticketing by July 1, 2022.  

In 2021 the system was introduced and failed to replace traditional paper tickets after travellers and bus operators pointed out many shortcomings. According to Tanzania Bus Owners Association (TABOA) spokesperson Mustafa Mwalongo, the system was “very complex and inconvenient” to operators.

Yesterday March 27, 2022, the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Works and Transport in charge of transport, Mr Gabriel Migire, said all the querries submitted earlier had been resolved under The Land Transport Regulatory Authority (LATRA), and the ministry is confident that by July 1 the system will start to function.

Mr Magire said LATRA has already started trials of the system that will last for three months, and should there be any malfunctions, they will be resolved immediately for the system to take off on July 1. 

“Passengers won’t go again to bus stations for tickets. They can get them via their smartphone. Those with no smartphones can buy their tickets from the ubiquitous bank agents,” – Said Mr Magire

The Director of LATRA, Mr Giliard Ngewe, said LATRA will start to provide education to the citizens on using the system from April 1. During the entire process, LATRA will involve all the potential stakeholders such as TRA and TABOA.