Tragedy: Missing pilot and plane are nowhere to be found

It is nearly two weeks since October 18, when Samwel Gibuyi, a pilot for an organization for combating poaching went missing while on a special mission over the vast Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania.

Gibuyi’s plane is said to have lost communication before it went missing and nothing has been heard of neither the plane nor Gibuyi up to this day.

The Founder and Executive Director of PAMS Foundation Krissie Clark said they immediately launched a search and rescue mission which is still ongoing.

Clark extended their sincere thanks to the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority and other private individuals for their support during this hard time.

They further added that the plane that Gibuyi was flying has an excellent safety record. “ In rare emergency situations, pilots are able to guide the plane down to the ground and avoid serious injury.”

Gibuyi who is an alumnus of the Sokoine University of Agriculture is PAMS experienced and long standing member.