Zitto applauds President Samia’s political reconciliation strategy. 

Zitto applauds President Samia’s political reconciliation strategy. 

Zitto Kabwe, an outspoken opposition leader and the leader of the fledging oppositional party ACT Wazalendo in Tanzania, has praised the underway political reconciliation strategy pioneered by Her excellency President Samia Suluhu. 

President Samia’s political reconciliation strategy aims to create a congenial political environment in Tanzania that would leverage socio-economic and political development. 

At Lake Tanganyika grounds, where President Samia was holding a public gathering on her 3rd-day stay in Kigoma, Zito was welcomed on stage to convey his reception greetings to President Samia.

“As the national leader of my party, I take this opportunity to congratulate you for your effort to bring people together regardless of their political difference. My being here is valid evidence” – Zitto Kabwe. 

“When I heard of your presence in Kigoma, I asked to attend and listen to you but then asked to say something. This shows how you care more about our unity as Tanzanians, not as political parties” – Zitto Kabwe.

Zitto Kabwe also praised the 4Rs approach ( reconciliation, resilience, reforms and rebuilding), which according to him, are the pillars of improving Tanzania’s politics now and for the future. 

Mr Zitto acknowledged the country’s prevailing political stability, adding that it is an integral component of national development and added that anyone would have taken the same path as President Samia Suluhu in bringing about national reconciliation. “We appreciate what you are doing, and we urge you not to stop”, Zitto added.