Tag: president samia suluhu

Home » president samia suluhu
Mkataka wa Rais Samia Suluhu kuimarisha utalii nchi wajibu.

Mkataka wa Rais Samia Suluhu kuimarisha utalii nchi wajibu.

Licha ya vivutio vingi duniani kukumbwa na uhaba wa wageni, Tanzania imeendelea kushuhudia ongezeko kubwa la watalii kwenye vivutio vyake mbalimbali nchini. Haya yote yamewezekana kutokana na ubunifu mahiri wa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mh. Dkt. Samia Suluhu Hassan, ambaye ametenga muda wake binafsi kwa ajili ya kuvitangaza vivutio vya utalii vya...

Rais wa aina hii hutokea mara chache sana katika miaka mingi – Sehemu ya Kwanza.

Rais wa aina hii hutokea mara chache sana katika miaka mingi – Sehemu ya Kwanza.

RAIS WA AINA HII HUTOKEA MARA CHACHE SANA KATIKA MIAKA MINGI – SEHEMU YA KWANZA Na Ngabero Nyangwine, Mara Tanzania 1.⁠ ⁠Rais anayeingia madarakani na kuwa kama amewafungua kutoka utumwani na vitisho vya utawala na kujali misingi ya demokrasia. Ingekuwa mimi mbona mngeisoma namba na mbishi ndugu zake wangemuota kwenye kiroba Coco Beach au angepotea...

Falsafa ya 4R yampatia Rais Samia shahada nyingine ya udaktari.

Falsafa ya 4R yampatia Rais Samia shahada nyingine ya udaktari.

Baada ya India, chuo kingine kikuu kikubwa cha Uturuki chamtunuku Rais Samia shahada ya udaktari. Aprili 18, 2024 Mwandishi Wetu Zanzibar Huku wakiwa wameshika bango lenye kauli mbiu maarufu ya “Songa na Samia,” vijana wanaopiga mbizi kwa sarakasi kwenye eneo la Forodhani la Zanzibar, wametoa video yao mpya kuchambua falsafa ya 4R ya Rais Samia...

Kenyan investors harnessing President Samia’s Pro-business policies for profitable ventures in Tanzania..

Kenyan investors harnessing President Samia’s Pro-business policies for profitable ventures in Tanzania..

Kenyan investors are setting their sights on Tanzania’s promising business landscape, aiming to double the number of projects in the country in the coming years. Their strategy revolves around leveraging Tanzania’s pro-business policies and growth potential. At the Kenyan Diaspora in Tanzania (Kedit) forum held in Dar es Salaam on March 9, 2024, investors convened...

Honoring History: President Samia Suluhu’s crucial attendance at Hage Geingob’s funeral.

Honoring History: President Samia Suluhu’s crucial attendance at Hage Geingob’s funeral.

A small debate has erupted on social media following the appearance of President Samia Suluhu at the funeral of former Namibian President Hage Geingob, who passed away on February 4th this year. The debate stems from recent observations that President Samia has undertaken several foreign trips. Within just two weeks, she travelled to the Vatican...

A new chapter as more families  choose voluntary relocation from NCA.

A new chapter as more families choose voluntary relocation from NCA.

Over the weekend, 25 households, comprising 172 residents and 213 livestock, bid farewell to Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) in Arusha. The send-off ceremony, held at the NCA offices in Karatu, celebrated their decision to relocate voluntarily to other parts of Simiyu and Arusha Regions. NCA Conservation Commissioner Richard Kiiza, addressing the departing residents, urged them...