‘We are not leaving Ngorongoro’, Maasai committee affirms

‘We are not leaving Ngorongoro’, Maasai committee affirms

The committee tasked to collect opinions of the Maasai’s living in Ngorongoro has submitted its draft report to the Prime Minister. 

Following the hitting debate amongst government leaders and the Maasai’s defiance of the government’s attempt to relocate them to the coastal district of Handeni in the Tanga region, the Prime Minister ordered the Maasai’s community to form a committee and gather people’s opinions about the actual situation the ground and come up with viable recommendations. 

The committee’s report stresses their firm decision of not vacating the area, instead suggesting rigorous measures for co-existence in the Ngorongoro Conservation area.

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The committee’s report vows to protect Ngorongoro and ensure better land usage as state laws require. The report affirms that it only contains claims of those who resisted vacating the area, not those who wanted to leave voluntarily. 

The committee is confident the government will respect people’s opinions in the report and take them into consideration. 

The committee has thanked the government for the opportunity to express their opinions and believes that the government will not behave harshly toward them but instead forge a viable way to ensure respect for their rights and conservation of the Ngorongoro area.