Tanzania Ministry of Agriculture to work closely with USAID to improve the agriculture sector through intensive agriculture research and utilize the role of agriculture extension officers. Minister of Agriculture, Prof. Adolf Mkenda met with Kate Somvongsiri, Mission Director for USAID Tanzania and discussed the ministry’s plan to improve agriculture production and ways for them to...
Tanzania sectors worth investing in
Over the past decade Tanzania has been able to grow its Gross Domestic Product to nearly 7% annually. In 2020 alone, in the middle of COVID-19 the country’s GDP grew by 4.8% reaching 64.4 billion from 60.8 billion in 2019, making it one of the fastest growing African economies. Numerous reports including the Where to...
Tanzania to reap trillions from Nickel mining
The government of Tanzania has entered into partnership with Kabanga Mining and expects to collect around Tsh 17 trillion from Nickel mining for the next 33 years. This Nickel project will run through Tembo Nickel Corporation, a joint venture company formed between the government of Tanzania and the United Kingdom’s Kabanga Mining which will invest...
Thriving economically amidst COVID – 19
The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected many economies around the world with millennials and ‘Gen Z’ mainly affected despite being exposed to technology advancement in essential areas for running a business/ company. Responding to the damage done by the virus, lockdowns were implemented in most countries with offices closed temporarily and some permanently, leaving many...
Vacation to Paris from Tanzania made easy
In the process of expanding and strengthening its presence in East Africa, Air France has launched its twice a week route from Tanzania to France, Zanzibar – Paris – Zanzibar with 1-stop in Nairobi, Kenya. The airline that’s part of KLM group was welcomed at Abeid Amani Karume International Airport (AAKIA) on October 19th ready...