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World War III is an opportunity for a better Africa- Adamu Garba

World War III is an opportunity for a better Africa- Adamu Garba

Reacting to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, former presidential aspirant, Adamu Garba, says that World War III is an opportunity for Africa to grow out of poverty. While Russia invaded Ukraine on Thursday, February 24, 2022, Garba shared a post on Facebook expressing that Africa not participating in the first and second world wars is...

Leadership school to whet African leaders

Leadership school to whet African leaders

In the process of building capable leaders, Mwalimu Nyerere Leadership School was inaugurated in Tanzania to start polishing up Southern Africa leaders starting March this year. The institution was established n honour of Tanzania’s founding father, Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere, aiming to provide comprehensive training to political party leaders and train youths to be patriots....

Why sanctions on Russia won’t change Putin’s behavior

Why sanctions on Russia won’t change Putin’s behavior

As the U.S. and its allies in Europe are currently designing sanctions determined to combat Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, there are a lot of references suggesting that sanctions have been ineffective in bringing Russia in order.  E.U. swiftly responded with a raft of sanctions after Russia recognised the separatist groups and deployed its military troops. ...

The govt finally decides the fate of Ngorongoro dispute

The govt finally decides the fate of Ngorongoro dispute

As the fate of the Maasai’s living in Ngorongoro remains undecided, the government has vowed to compensate those who will voluntarily leave the park.   The Prime Minister, Hon Kassim Majaliwa, made those remarks on Friday 18, 2022, at the Parliament in Dodoma. Last week the Ngorongoro issue had stirred an intense debate in the parliament...

ACT speaks for the Maasai in Ngorongoro

ACT speaks for the Maasai in Ngorongoro

Tanzania’s opposition party, the Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Wazalendo), has urged the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism to open talks with the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority and the Maasai pastoralists community living in the park for a fruitful reconciliation over Maasai’s displacement. Since the proposal to vacate the Maasai from the NCAA came...

Ndugai’s wife breaks the silence over her husband’s whereabout.

Ndugai’s wife breaks the silence over her husband’s whereabout.

The former speaker, Job Ndugai has disappeared from the public scene since he tendered his resignation on 6th January 2022 after his controversial remarks over the country’s debt that subsequently ended with a bare-knuckled brawl with President Samia.  Ndugai’s absence from the public eye has sparked a lot of questions. Unprecedently, he hasn’t been spotted...

Nape reinstate four newspaper licences

Nape reinstate four newspaper licences

Minister of Information, Communications and Information Technology, Nape Nnauye, reinstated publication licences for Mwanahalisi, Mawio, Tanzania Daima and Mseto newspapers today, February 10, 2022. He told editors and journalists who attended the meeting that the decision was reached following President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s order. The public should remember that President Samia Suluhu Hassan had a...

President Samia fires four directors

President Samia fires four directors

President Samia Suluhu Hassan has revoked the appointed directors from four regions over the misuse of COVID-19 funds. The President announced the news today during a detour in Mwanza on her way to Mara for the 45th anniversary of the ruling party CCM and a four days official tour in the region from February 6th....

Tanzanian women in high-rank positions

Tanzanian women in high-rank positions

Tanzania got its first female president Samia Suluhu Hassan last year (2021), 59 years since independence. Before that, Samia was the first female vice president of the country. Here is a list of women who have held or are currently holding high-rank positions #taifadaily @suluhusamia In 2010 Anne Semamba Makinda became the first female Speaker...